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Welcome to Super Macro site. 
English part is under translating, i have not yet finish it yet.
Super Macro (SM) is a program for creating macros on Windows.
Macro programs (like SM) and macros found in programs like the Office suite are often confused. In the case of SM, it has (among other things) the management of the keyboard and the mouse. This means that SM can type text, move the mouse and do all sorts of cliques.
The commands are listed in a .mcr file. When you run the macro, the macro executes the actions that you have made in the write order in the file. As in any programming language, it is possible to use conditions, loops, counters, variables, and so on. It is also possible to build macros with no visual effect, such as processing on a file.
To make your macros "smart". Namely it is also possible to build macros that have no visual effect. For example a processing on a file. Since the mouse can move to all ends of the office. That a text can be inserted in any editable area makes this application a universal macro editor.
On the other hand, macros belonging to one application can not be used by other programs.
ScratchWare :
Adam has found a different gift concept than the usual methods and much more fun than just giving money, the "ScratchWare".
This involves sending to the author (Adam), a scratch ticket of the "Française des jeux".
That said Super Macro is still a free software, although a donation is still possible using the Paypal button.
Old notes of Adam:
The Super Macro site changed Server (, then to and now on This for different reasons, no advertising banner and the server offers much better Web development tools (php, sql, etc ...).
Again a lot of improvements have been made, among which you will find the possibility to download Plugins. To have access to a help section, to use a Forum and a chat to interact with other visitors. An improvement section will soon be put in place. Also note that plugins are now available to extend Super Macro features. I take this main page to tell you that I am not against a hand, for the writing of the help of Super Macro.
Note sur la sécurité :
Some worried users regularly send me messages about Super Macro and alerts about their antivirus. This is of course false positives. Heuristic detections of antivirus do not rely on malware signatures, but on software behavior. It should be noted that Super Macro has a behavior that can be similar to these malicious programs. In short, there is NO VIRUS in Super Macro.